Fascination About The Art Of War: 7 Book Box Set With Journal - Costco
Indicators on The Art of War - Book Summary - Tyler DeVries You Should Know

General V, later on the main PVA military leader in the Vietnam War, was an avid trainee and professional of Sun Tzu's concepts. America's defeat there, more than any other occasion, brought Sun Tzu to the attention of leaders of American military theory. The Department of the Army in the United States, through its Command and General Staff College, notes The Art of War as one example of a book that might be kept at a military system's library.
It is recommended reading for all United States Military Intelligence personnel. Check Here For More of War is utilized as educational material at the United States Military Academy at West Point, in the course Armed force Strategy (470 ), and it is likewise advised reading for Officer cadets at the Royal Military College, Sandhurst. Some noteworthy military leaders have stated the following about Sun Tzu and The Art of War: "I constantly kept a copy of The Art of War on my desk." - General Douglas Mac, Arthur, 5 Star General & Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers.

Book Review: Deciphering Sun Tzu: How to Read The Art of War by Derek M Yuen - LSE Review of Books
He continues to affect both soldiers & politicians." - General Colin Powell, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Personnel, National Security Advisor, and Secretary of State. According to some authors, the method of deception from The Art of War was studied and widely utilized by the KGB: "I will force the opponent to take our strength for weak point, and our weakness for strength, and thus will turn his strength into weak point".

Read The Art of War & Other Classics of Eastern Philosophy Online by Sun Tzu, Lao Tzu, and Confucius - Books
An Unbiased View of The Art of War - Table of Contents - Gleeditions
Finnish Field Marshal Mannerheim and basic Aksel Airo were passionate readers of Art of War; Airo kept the book on his night table in his quarters. [] Application outside the military [modify] The Art of War has been applied to lots of fields outside of the armed force. Much of the text has to do with how to outmaneuver one's opponent without really having to take part in physical battle.
The Art of War is mentioned as an impact in the earliest known Chinese collection of stories about scams (mostly in the realm of commerce), Zhang Yingyu's The Book of Rip-offs (Du pian xin shu,, c. 1617), which dates to the late Ming dynasty. Lots of service books have used the lessons drawn from the book to workplace politics and corporate service method.